The field of hair transplant techniques is in constant evolution, with ongoing advancements shaping the industry. Here are some of the latest techniques in use:

  • Robotic Hair Transplantation: Utilizing a computer-guided robotic arm, this technique enables accurate and precise extraction of individual hair follicles. Compared to manual FUE extraction, robotic hair transplantation offers more uniform and consistent results.
  • Stem Cell Hair Transplantation: This technique harnesses the patient’s own stem cells to promote hair growth and aid in healing. Stem cells extracted from the patient’s fat tissues are injected into the scalp along with transplanted hair follicles.
  • Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy: PRP therapy is a non-surgical procedure involving drawing a small amount of the patient’s blood, processing it to concentrate platelets, and then injecting the platelet-rich serum into the scalp. It stimulates hair growth and strengthens hair follicles.
  • Direct Hair Implantation (DHI): DHI employs a specialized device to insert individual hair follicles directly into the recipient area without creating incisions. With DHI, scarring is minimal, and the healing process is quicker compared to other techniques.
  • Scalp Micro Pigmentation (SMP): SMP is a non-surgical method that involves tattooing the scalp with tiny dots resembling hair follicles. It’s an ideal option for individuals lacking sufficient donor hair for transplantation or those preferring non-surgical approaches.

These techniques represent the latest advancements in addressing hair loss. Consulting with a skilled hair restoration surgeon is crucial to determine the most suitable approach for individual needs.